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A Beer a Day: Beer 6: Breckenridge SummerBright Ale

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Beer 6: Breckenridge SummerBright Ale

It's hot. Really hot. And I just walked three miles in a track jacket and jeans. To the gym. And back. In short, I think I'm turning to liquid, so this might be a short entry.

Since I'm now partially fused with fire, I'm looking for today's beer, which happens to be Breckenridge's SummerBright Ale, to come up big in the "icy cold deliciousness" department. Since it hails from Colorado, the first part shouldn't be a problem. Let's find out.

I was right. The first part wasn't a problem. The second? Well...

If you're actually looking for an honest-to-God, complex-but-rewarding, sit-around-and-think kind of summer wheat, keep on walking. If I didn't know better, I'd swear that someone craftily stole the label from the real SummerBright, slapped it on a bottle of Bud, handed it to me, and dashed off to watch and giggle. If I wasn't dying, I might consider lodging a complaint.

Ah, but there's the trick.

Though I may be biased by my current condition, I think I can say that this is the most revitalizing beer that has ever passed my lips. I could drink 15 more and be fine, as long as they kept making me feel this good.

Moral of the story: If you're ever on fire, drink this beer. Or a different beer. Or some water. Or, you know, anything wet and cold. If not, pass. In the end, life-giving or not, this stuff simply did its job as a liquid. As a beer, it failed. Critically.

Though, they do get point for the molester-faced sun on the label. That, sir, is nightmare-inducing.